Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

My Last Sacrifice aaaaand .....


it was my last sacrifice aaand IT WAS OVER NOOOOOW!

yayaya over and over again.
I'm retaired now because it was my last competition when I am on the Xi grade and there will be no more debating championship anymore when I am on the XII grade because the school has decided for us as the XII grade to focus only for the lessons and all activities at school not including such competition like this.
uoooooh d**n boooy!

Aku ga tau siapa yang salah dalam case kemaren. Tapi gini deeeh, we have done the best that we had *yaaa emang ga maksimal banget si* and we have fight with the knowledge and all that we know. Kalo kita tau tugas affir adalah menentukan jalannya motion yang saat itu adalah philosophical debate dan kita uda bawa ke sana dan menegaskan bahwa yang kita bicarakan saat itu adalah hanya berkisar antara WHETHER the Government have right to prohibit non mainstream religious interpretation OR the Government have NO right to prohibit it. Dan kita uda bawa itu semua ke jalan dengan ngasi definisi yang walopun ga perfect perferct banget tapi seenggaknya uda mengacu ke arah sana dengan segala alasan yang ada kena government have right yang jawabannya adalah karena rakyat uda percaya kepada gov dan lalala dan explain seberapa jauh haknya pemerintah dan explain urgencynya apa sampe gov harus berlaku seperti ini.

hhhhh *ambil nafas.

then negative side of the house came up with their new mechanism by saying that they won't prohibit it because it is NOT effective WITHOUT proved to us. And also said that they just wanted to separate it to become a new religion in Indonesia *how coooome? They said that they have different fundamental so that's why they should separate it. But actually we had rebut it by saying that it was not actually different because the non mainstream itself do NOT declare themselves as the NEW religion but as PART of a religion. Soooo?

lalala debat pun berjalan tanpa CLASHES of arguments until the END of the debate.

Kita nyadar aja si kalo waktu itu kita juga debatnya jelek tapi seenggaknya SPIRIT of the MOTIONnya ada gituuu!

But it was God will.

Kita kalah dengan split decision with the margin of 0.5 by one of the adju said that we should response their mechanism by followin their new mechanism.

uoooh d**n! HOW COME?? sejak kapan AFFIR IKUT NEGATIVE?
Sampe sekarang aku ga bisa lupa sampe sakit hati.

That's life and it was such a bitter in my life .

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